Which Car lift is Right for You
Deciding on a car lift can depend on multiple things such as your mobility, vehicle and even if you use a scooter or wheelchair. For example, car lifts can come in either a manual lifting option or an automatic power lifting option. The power lifting option is great for those with limited mobility and allows for independent travel. Hoist lifts can also present some challenges to someone with limited mobility since those lifts require someone with a wider range of mobility.
Car lifts can use either a platform lift or a hoist lift to transport your device. The platform lifts allow you to retain all your seat room in your vehicle while keeping the scooter outside. This option is great for those with limited mobility as it can do the heavy lifting by itself without much strain on the body. The hoist lift uses some seat room in the back to bring the scooter or wheelchair into the vehicle. This option works for those with a wider range of mobility.
Car lifts also have the option to be fitted either on the side of the vehicle or the rear of the vehicle depending on the brand selling them. Similar to how wheelchair vans are, the entry options are dependent on your vehicle. For a side entry option, it will most likely be a power platform lift while rear entry can equip both a platform lift or hoist lift.
The last thing to consider is your vehicle itself. Some car lifts function well on some vehicles while other car lifts won’t work as well. While a hoist lift and a platform lift can work on your vehicle you may not have extra space for a hoist lift. Its possible a hoist lift can make transporting your scooter easier for your pickup truck than a platform lift or vice versa. Understanding the capabilities of your vehicle, where it will be most of the time and how difficult it is to transfer your unit can make your decision easier to make.